Our Programs

What we focus on

ICFG executes rigorous, independent, and policy-oriented research, and uses foresight tools to create awareness about emerging technologies that require the urgent attention of political decision-makers. The programs listed below are the current focus areas of ICFG: these were identified as the most pressing and under-served challenges to be addressed.

Our programs currently evolve around the following focus areas:

Advanced Artificial Intelligence

The Advanced AI team explores international governance frameworks for governing crucial resources for AAI development, and for building safe AAI. Our work focuses on the role of multilateral cooperation and international AAI governance in preserving global stability, public safety, and enabling human flourishing now and in the future.


This team analyzes the legal, ethical, and societal implications of neurotechnology, and explores policy tools and governance models to ensure the technology is beneficial and accessible to all.


This team develops policies to minimize the risk of future pandemics from the deliberate misuse of bioweapons, or accidental releases of dangerous pathogens, which are amplified by emerging technologies. Our work covers the governance of bio-research and supply chains, the detection and surveillance systems, transmission-blocking infrastructure, and outbreak containment capabilities.

Climate Interventions

Our Climate Interventions team explores technologies that could effectively – or ineffectively – modify the global ecosystem and climate patterns. Our work focuses on the role of multilateral cooperation and international governance in preserving geopolitical and environmental stability.

Quantum Technology

This team analyzes the transformative potential of quantum technology to inform and guide the responsible global investment, development, and governance of this technology toward positive outcomes for society.  

These are our cross-cutting programs:


Our Foresight team scans the horizon for emerging technologies where policy and governance attention and action may be needed. We produce near- and long-term scenario analyses and risk assessments in order to inform possible policy options and innovations.


This team synthesizes and drives our efforts toward effective governance frameworks for emerging technologies. The team analyzes existing policies and enforcement efforts, examines EU investment priorities, and is also an incubator for policy innovation.


For enquiries, please contact info@icfg.eu

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